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Is there any good book or documentation?

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Is there any good book or documentation? Empty Is there any good book or documentation?

Post  powpow Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:05 am

I'm an iphone developer and I'm new to SIO2.

I've just started playing around with the tutorials but I'm new to Blender, SIO2 and 3D world in general so even if I can understand bits and pieces of the code and replicate what the tutorial guy does I feel a bit lost. I think I need something that explains me what each function does.

Is there some kind of documentation or book I can read? So far the only thing I found are this forum, the tutorials and Doxygen documentation but I couldn't find any reference guide.

What's the best way for me to start?

Thank you and I apologize if this is not the best location to post, I had a quick look but I couldn't find a newbie section or a more appropriate one


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Is there any good book or documentation? Empty Re: Is there any good book or documentation?

Post  meteors Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:42 am

A good Blender book is "Introducing Character Animation in Blender". (It's not just about character animation.)

By far, my favorite book on OpenGL is Richard Wright's "OpenGL Superbible".


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Is there any good book or documentation? Empty Re: Is there any good book or documentation?

Post  powpow Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:22 am

meteors wrote:A good Blender book is "Introducing Character Animation in Blender". (It's not just about character animation.)

By far, my favorite book on OpenGL is Richard Wright's "OpenGL Superbible".


Thank you, that should help Smile


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Join date : 2009-03-18

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Is there any good book or documentation? Empty Re: Is there any good book or documentation?

Post  Jawdy Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:43 pm

For iPhone development I started with "Beginning iPhone Development" by Jeff LaMarche and Dave Mark. It covers a lot of fairly standard stuff in the iPhone SDK, XCode, Interface Builder and all those things. It doesn't really help with SIO2 much, but gets you used to the [Objective-C] stuff.

For Blender I started with and their video tutorials. They go over a lot of stuff at a really great pace, and you should get up and running with some basic stuff fairly quickly.

That's how I started and now I'm slowly driving through SIO2 - man this stuff is SO cool Very Happy

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Is there any good book or documentation? Empty Re: Is there any good book or documentation?

Post  powpow Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:56 pm

Jawdy wrote:For iPhone development I started with "Beginning iPhone Development" by Jeff LaMarche and Dave Mark. It covers a lot of fairly standard stuff in the iPhone SDK, XCode, Interface Builder and all those things. It doesn't really help with SIO2 much, but gets you used to the [Objective-C] stuff.
I like that book as well Laughing
Luckily the iPhone bit is not a problem, it has been almost an year since I first started developing iPhone apps and I feel pretty confident now.
However I've always avoided OpenGL ES because I had no 3D background (at all...) and they sounded a bit scary.
Now I'm trying to start, but it's like being a 6 years old that tries to learn how to read.. Smile

Jawdy wrote:For Blender I started with and their video tutorials. They go over a lot of stuff at a really great pace, and you should get up and running with some basic stuff fairly quickly.

That's how I started and now I'm slowly driving through SIO2 - man this stuff is SO cool Very Happy

Yes it's brilliant, and so glad it's free and open source! I hope to be able to give my contribution one day.
Thank you I'll keep you posted on my progress... Smile


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Join date : 2009-03-18

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Is there any good book or documentation? Empty Re: Is there any good book or documentation?

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