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2 Requests: FPS display and Pause

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2 Requests:  FPS display and Pause Empty 2 Requests: FPS display and Pause

Post  uprise78 Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:39 pm

I find that I add to just about every project some means of displaying FPS so maybe it would be useful to have a built in mechanism to display FPS for debugging. Pause would also be a good one to have as well.


Posts : 228
Join date : 2008-10-31

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2 Requests:  FPS display and Pause Empty Re: 2 Requests: FPS display and Pause

Post  matt Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:23 pm

I agree that both are very useful features, but I believe that they heavily depend on the underlying application. The way how the SIO2 examples' render-loops are implemented are just one way to do it, and I for one did it in a different way. Built-in FPS display and especially a pause-mechanism wouldn't work for me.

But you have everything you need at hand: an FPS counter in sio2->_SIO2window->fps (or something like that, not sure), font rendering with SIO2Font and a default-font default16x16.tga. I wrote some SIO2 wrapper classes to speed up coding (e.g. to create and render 2D sprites with texture-rectangles, rotation, coloring, etc.) and you probably could do the same with the means mentioned and then re-use that in your projects.



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2 Requests:  FPS display and Pause Empty Re: 2 Requests: FPS display and Pause

Post  uprise78 Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:25 pm

I dont know how I missed the fps on the SIO2window. That makes things a lot easier. I'll probably do as you suggested and just make my own template with pause and fps built in.


Posts : 228
Join date : 2008-10-31

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