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FIRST POST! Congratulations and All The Best To All Developers..

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FIRST POST! Congratulations and All The Best To All Developers.. Empty FIRST POST! Congratulations and All The Best To All Developers..

Post  jayman Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:28 am

Awesome Release.. Thanks!

Will you have any examples or tutorials for skin/skeletal based animation export?

Thanks Again, All The Best..



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FIRST POST! Congratulations and All The Best To All Developers.. Empty Re: FIRST POST! Congratulations and All The Best To All Developers..

Post  sio2interactive Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:39 am

Hehe tks Jay,

Im still cutting and uploading tutorial04 and 06 online, but concerning skeletal animation Im going to have to recode it from scratch, too much processing... and Im not satisfied... This time Im going to use GL_OES_matrix_palette so that should help a bit.

However Im working on a tutorial to integrate at least MD2 for the moment so that should get you started, in the meantime you can start to create your maps Wink

Stay tuned the new skeletal animation system is on the way! Wink


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Post  jayman Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:35 pm

Cool!, looking forward to matrix_palette Wink . Was looking at some of the tutorials and had a few quick questions:

1- How do you get a handle on an object (Is it by name)? do you need to or can you iterate thru the scene hierarchy?

2- I've noticed you can apply physics attributes within blender, can you do this programmatically? (e.g. Dynamically make a certain imported object a physics object, and or instance many copies of it)

3- If I have multiple cameras in my scene how can I switch from one to another?

4- When I import a scene from blender, does the import maintain the parent/child relations of objects?

5- How do you handle keyframe animation? How can I play say a range of frames e.g 0-60 walk cycle, 61-100 run cycle?(Or is this sort of thing handled differently).

6-Can I import multiple siO2 files? or do you recommend keep all game level in one sio2?

A general brief description of the execution flow of the sdk would be helpful as well, anyways
I'm sure Ill have plenty more questions:),still looking at the tutorials, help is much appreciated. Thanks


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Post  sio2interactive Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:09 am

>> 1- How do you get a handle on an object (Is it by name)? do you need to or can you iterate thru the scene hierarchy?

Yes Im using the name, If you want to get the handle to a specific object just use the sio2ResourceGet function. In example:

SIO2object *mycube = ( SIO2object * ) sio2ResourceGet( sio2->_SIO2resource, SIO2_OBJECT, "object/Cube" );

When exported from blender im creating specific directory for every resource type and load the proper resource based on which directory it have been plugged in, basically the .sio2 is a zip file (try to rename .sio2 for .zip).

>> 2- I've noticed you can apply physics attributes within blender, can you do this programmatically? (e.g. Dynamically make a certain imported object a physics object, and or instance many copies of it)

EVERYTHING can be done programatically. I only use a nice and simple mechanism to make things more easy to use. But in fact everything is independent and can be customize as will. To know in detail what is happening in the background simply use your debugger and step-in, you'll have a clearer idea of where and how you can tweak things to make it the way you want. Nothing is "linear" in SIO2 everything can be adjusted dynamically and programatically.

>> 3- If I have multiple cameras in my scene how can I switch from one to another?

Quite simple, by default you have access to the sio2->_SIO2camera that is basically a global handle that can be retrieved from anywhere in your program. So you can use the following code to switch camera in the same fashion you are gaining access to an object. (here Im assuming that the camera comes from blender but this can be a custom camera that you create). This is basically a pseudo code but... I think it's representative:

if( use_camera0 )
{ sio2->_SIO2camera = sio2ResourceGet( sio2->_SIO2resource, SIO2_CAMERA, "camera/Camera" ); }
{ sio2->_SIO2camera = sio2ResourceGet( sio2->_SIO2resource, SIO2_CAMERA, "camera/Camera.001" ); }

// To make sure we have a handle
if( sio2->_SIO2camera )
{ sio2CameraRender( sio2->_SIO2camera ); }

>> 4- When I import a scene from blender, does the import maintain the parent/child relations of objects?

Hummm not really Im pseudo instancing objects based on their name (check tutorial06) but basically Cube is the parent and Cube.001 Cube.002 are the childs.

Actually in my current test version, Im using Parent / Child the way blender handle them for LOD, which is alot more convenient. It's going to be in the next version...

>> 5- How do you handle keyframe animation? How can I play say a range of frames e.g 0-60 walk cycle, 61-100 run cycle?(Or is this sort of thing handled differently).

Well at the moment I didn't finish the "Custom Loading Demo", but in this demo I show you how to custom load a MD2 integrated inside a .SIO2.

If you have your own MD2 loader use it for now in temp., later on you can load your MD2 in blender and export the animation as a skeletal animation, Im working on a mechanism that will convert at export time keyframe animation to "fake bone data". So you'll get the same result as the MD2 (in theory it should work so will see how it goes)

6-Can I import multiple siO2 files? or do you recommend keep all game level in one sio2?

Basically the SIO2 file is based on the "Scene" contained in blender. But you got 2 options:

1. Export every level as a different Scene.

2. Create multiple Scenes in blender and create a list of the necessary resources that you need to load that scene, then you can plug a piece of code that will go extract only the resource that you need to load an arbitrary scene.

>> A general brief description of the execution flow of the sdk would be helpful as well, anyways

Humm what do you mean?

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Post  jayman Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:49 am

Thanks for the quick reply, all sounds good!. Have any idea when you might have the "Custom Loading Demo" available? I do not have my custom loader, for now I would be happy to figure out how to import just keyframed animations, and be able to control the play back frames. Cheers


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Post  sio2interactive Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:02 am

Ho! I see well for that any good MD2 tutorial will show you how to do it... What you can do is, you can create an SIO2object with physic (probably cylinder) with no vertices and move that SIO2object around and take its matrix and apply it to your MD2.

Lemme know if you need help.

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