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What's the best way of achieve animations?

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What's the best way of achieve animations? Empty What's the best way of achieve animations?

Post  lyxera Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:27 am

Does anybody have experiences in creating animated characters with the sdk?
What's is the best to way to achieve animation (say human walking) with the current version of sdk.


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What's the best way of achieve animations? Empty Re: What's the best way of achieve animations?

Post  oioioi Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:45 am

there is no animation in this version, but keyframe animation is coming in next version


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What's the best way of achieve animations? Empty Re: What's the best way of achieve animations?

Post  lyxera Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:37 pm

Thanks for the reply. I know the sdk does not support animation yet. But is there any established way of achieve animations? there got to be animations in the already selling games.


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What's the best way of achieve animations? Empty Re: What's the best way of achieve animations?

Post  meteors Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:21 pm

If your mesh isn't very heavy, you could create a timer and cycle through a bunch of different meshes, literally like an old-style animation. You can also use sprites if you don't need to view your model from different angles.

There are probably much better solutions than these. I'm just pulling these out of thin air.


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What's the best way of achieve animations? Empty Re: What's the best way of achieve animations?

Post  lyxera Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:26 pm

meteors wrote:If your mesh isn't very heavy, you could create a timer and cycle through a bunch of different meshes, literally like an old-style animation. You can also use sprites if you don't need to view your model from different angles.

There are probably much better solutions than these. I'm just pulling these out of thin air.


Thanks a lot, at least some ideas to start with!


Posts : 8
Join date : 2008-12-31

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What's the best way of achieve animations? Empty Re: What's the best way of achieve animations?

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