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Can't run sio2 powered apps on device

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Can't run sio2 powered apps on device Empty Can't run sio2 powered apps on device

Post  diver Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:03 am

Hi everybody.
I have spent some time to undesrstan the basics of the Engine working only with simulator. Now I've tried to run applications on iPhone OS 2.1 device, but all I see is "Loading..." screen. Even running unmodified tutorials.
One more time: latest iPhone SDK (2.2.1), device with 2.1 OS, sio2 rev 26 from svn.

Any suggestions?


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Age : 38
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Can't run sio2 powered apps on device Empty Re: Can't run sio2 powered apps on device

Post  sio2interactive Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:14 pm

You should use the stable version featured on the google code home page of SIO2, as mentioned in this same forum the SVN version is an unstable development version... and should only be used to patch or fix some minor bugs and issues. Do not use this version for development as the code is changing almost everyday and new stuff are coming in... Im only using SVN to help developers to fix some minor issues that they can integrate inside their current app that's all.

Please use this link to download the latest stable version:

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Can't run sio2 powered apps on device Empty Re: Can't run sio2 powered apps on device

Post  diver Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:41 am

Thanks for all the fish, yeah... but. I undestand the svn version is unstable one. I switched to svn sources only when I've been got troubles on released ones.
By the way, yesterday I've tryed another SDK named Oolong (a little off-topic, sorry) and discovered the same troubles: can't see any drawing on the device, the app. is abnormally terminated.
So, probably there is no issue with (graphics) SDK, neither sio2 nor Oolong. I think it may be an incorrect linkage... but generally I have no good idea on what is wrong. Unfortunately, I can't debug apps on device.


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Can't run sio2 powered apps on device Empty Solved

Post  diver Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:48 am

The problem were in the security checks by module SpringBoard. I just fight up on-device debuging and that really helped me.
Now I see the sio2 SDK have no critical issues. Any way thanks for reply...


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Age : 38
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