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Ports to other ARM platforms

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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Ports to other ARM platforms

Post  benjymous Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:46 pm

Are there plans to port the engine to other platforms? Most notably the Pandora which should be a perfect match for the engine (CPU more powerful than the iPhone's, plus proper 3d acceleration)




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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Re: Ports to other ARM platforms

Post  sio2interactive Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:26 pm

I am definitely not familiar with that platform but, if you want to create another branch to SIO2 for this one I would be more than happy to include it inside the current source tree.


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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Re: Ports to other ARM platforms

Post  sypher7 Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:36 pm

I'm also interested in a Pandora port. The Pandora ( will probably ship sometime in November, so I don't suppose much porting can happen until then, but I just wanted to express my interest in this as well. The SIO2 engine looks very promising!


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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Re: Ports to other ARM platforms

Post  benjymous Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:40 am

sio2interactive wrote:I am definitely not familiar with that platform but, if you want to create another branch to SIO2 for this one I would be more than happy to include it inside the current source tree.

That's cool - the Pandora is aimed directly at hobbyist/homebrew programmers, so there's bound to be someone who'll get it ported over Smile


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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Re: Ports to other ARM platforms

Post  sio2interactive Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:51 am

All the API & libraries that Im using are cross platform mostly written in C on Bullet is C++ but standard so it should not be a big problem to port, except for OpenAL, that one Im not sure if the device have compatible OpenAL functionalities...

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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Other ARM mobile devices

Post  MistaED Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:16 am

As far as I know, the Pandora platform is running a linux kernel with a beefy ARM proc and has a powervr SGX gpu (opengles2.0 compliant, shaders, vbo/fbo's, yay!), and an audio DSP which is beefy as well from what I saw. A few mobile platforms will have a similar hardware stack (OMAP3?) so maybe a few android mobile phones which is a linux stack could also benefit if SIO2 is ported to other devices. OpenAL should work in software at least, in linux it works.

It was be incredibly cool to see SIO2 support more mobile platforms, as it's a heating up market right now for graphically appealing phones and mobile devices! Smile


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Ports to other ARM platforms Empty Re: Ports to other ARM platforms

Post  zzajin Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:22 am

One thing to keep in mind: OpenGL ES 2.0 isn't backward compatible with 1.1.


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