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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  aputman Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:32 am

I'm new to using blender, sio2 and 3D graphics in general. I've found that wings3D has a much lower learning curve than blender as far as building objects, adding textures and etc.

I've been able to export drawings as .3ds from wings3D and then import them into blender with little issue (granted this is with no textures) and from there using tutorial2 I can get my drawing to display.

However, if I try to add textures in wings3D and then export to blender using .3ds I can get the object to appear in blender (granted without the texture) but when I export to .sio2 it fails when it tries to find the material file. I checked the .sio2 zip and saw there was not file in the images folder. I tried to manually put in my texture, but I tutorial2 still fails.

Should I be attempting to do texturing in a different tutorial? I haven't moved on from 2 because I wanted to get this basic proof of concept to work.

the texture is a .bmp with 512x512 dimensions



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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  sio2interactive Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:25 pm

SIO2 does not support .bmp, check tutorial03 for more information...

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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  aputman Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:15 pm

I've been messing around with tutorial03 all day, and I can't get a texture to appear on my object once I have loaded the texture.

I can follow all the steps exactly until the point where you select the image in the UV mapping window. At which point the image appears, but it is not highlighted with blue, nor is there a cursor indicator in the bottom left corner. I am using blender version 2.48. I can't seem to get any sort of blue highlighting to appear.

when I switch to the texture view the purple select shading on the cube changes a bit, but I see no texture applied to any surface.

Any thoughts?


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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  sio2interactive Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:27 pm

the video tutorials are mostly made with 2.47 but its the same thing in 2.48...

Check the video tutorial04 Im applying alot of textures in that one that might help...

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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  spoboyle Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:55 am

i've been working through the tutorials and started to make my own environments.

initially i started with worlds similar to that in tutorial 6. and imported a 3ds model which worked fine.

i then moved on to create a world similar to that in tutorial 9 and attempt to import the same 3ds model, but this time i am recieving a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when i attempt to run the project. this error occurs in void sio2ResourceGenId( SIO2resource *_SIO2resource ).

is anyone that is more familiar with both these tutorials able to suggest potential problems with this model. sorry i know this is a very vague question


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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  meteors Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:10 pm

Are you sure the correct .sio2 file is in your Resources folder, in XCode?


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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  sio2interactive Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:23 pm

Make sure that you are binding all the appropriate resources that you export... instead resources might be assigned but not linked it is important to link them all using the various bind functions such as:

sio2ResourceBindAllImages( sio2->_SIO2resource );

sio2ResourceBindAllSoundBuffers( sio2->_SIO2resource );

sio2ResourceBindAllMaterials( sio2->_SIO2resource );

sio2ResourceBindAllMatrix( sio2->_SIO2resource );

sio2ResourceBindAllIpos( sio2->_SIO2resource );

// Then generate the IDs
sio2ResourceGenId( sio2->_SIO2resource );

// BindAllSounds is a bit special and have to be called AFTER GenID
sio2ResourceBindAllSounds( sio2->_SIO2resource );

Hope this help!

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Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software Empty Re: Importing to blender from other 3D drawing software

Post  spoboyle Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:06 am

thank you guys, your ability to resolve that issue with the vaguest of descriptions is nothing short of genius.

the problem was that tutorial 9 does not contain any textured objects and so sio2ResourceBindAllImages( sio2->_SIO2resource ) is never called in the tutorial template; where as my 3ds file was textured. fixing the issue was as simple as adding this line to

right back to the project to learn more, hopefully i can return the favor one day.


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Age : 43
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