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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

Post  jack77 Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:58 am

With all the freely available stripifiers out there, it would be nice if the exporter took care of this for us. My test app is very slow, because the current engine uses 3x vertices than it should :'(

Last edited by jack77 on Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:38 am; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2009-02-23

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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty Re: [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

Post  sio2interactive Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:04 am

Th perfect strip that can be displayed In 1 call doesn't exists... Degenerating triangles is not an options and dealing with multiple vbo for every strip will penalize the performance. From my test it is alot more trivial to use indexed triangle lists optimized for vertex cache which is better and faster to render than strip... Do the test...

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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty Re: [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

Post  jack77 Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:08 am

sio2interactive wrote:Degenerating triangles is not an option
Why? It worked well when I used that for an old project, using only one vertex array for the whole mesh.

There is a really good stripifier class in the powervr sdk. it's used in oolong so i guess it's opensource now.


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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty Re: [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

Post  sio2interactive Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:14 am

Degenerating triangles is not an option when using physic... Normals may be inverted and you will also overload the physic calculation by using veryices on triangle mesh or convexhull that are mor necessary.

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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty Re: [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

Post  jack77 Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:27 am

Ok I didn't think about the Physics Sad

One idea: you could still use degenerate triangle strips for the rendering, and keep a list of the degenerate indices in a physics-specific array. This array would only serves the purpose of breaking the degenerate strip into multiple normal strips.


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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty Re: [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

Post  sio2interactive Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:36 am

I can't even imagine how I would be able to handle soft body physic like that since the physic is applied on a per vertex basis and not the object... Recalculating this in real time is not even an option...

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Age : 45
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[request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists Empty Re: [request] use triangle strips, not triangle lists

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