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Sky that created through planes problem

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Sky that created through planes problem Empty Sky that created through planes problem

Post  alexanderlonsky Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:04 pm

Hello everyone!
Have created sky through 5 planes(left, right, front, back, top). Each plane includes its material. I think that this better than one texture for one mesh cube, may be it's wrong opinion.
And now have one problem - ribs of cube(brinks between planes) are shown in blender and in Iphone.
Help me to resolve this problem please.
Sky that created through planes problem Picture1
Picture for visibility.

Thanks in advance!


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Join date : 2009-06-11

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Sky that created through planes problem Empty Re: Sky that created through planes problem

Post  _-MADMAN-_ Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:05 pm

Hm... If You just want cool sky without tons of fight with skybox - use skydome. If You really really want Your sky on box - disable mipmaps, make sure that You have right clamp for Your textures etc etc. Anyway - one big texture is better. It is one material, nor than six or five.

Skydomes rulez...


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Join date : 2009-04-23

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Sky that created through planes problem Empty Re: Sky that created through planes problem

Post  alexanderlonsky Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:20 pm

_-MADMAN-_ wrote:Hm... If You just want cool sky without tons of fight with skybox - use skydome. If You really really want Your sky on box - disable mipmaps, make sure that You have right clamp for Your textures etc etc. Anyway - one big texture is better. It is one material, nor than six or five.

Skydomes rulez...
thanks a lot! but one more question -
skydome consists of many polygons but one texture, cube it is just 5 polygons and 5 textures.
What about performance? a lot of polygons it is may be worse for performance.
Could You answer please?


Posts : 24
Join date : 2009-06-11

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Sky that created through planes problem Empty Re: Sky that created through planes problem

Post  sio2interactive Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:28 pm

Of course "yes" a skybox with 5 planes is more optimized... but honestly its not a little skydome at 100 triangles that is going to make a big difference in your app... you'll have to struggle with MANY other things than that to keep a good performance and a good visual for your game... so I wouldn't worry too much about that really Wink

Since also when you are rendering the skybox or skydome, you should render it first and disable the depth test and depth mask... rendering it is alot faster than rendering other objects...

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Sky that created through planes problem Empty Re: Sky that created through planes problem

Post  alexanderlonsky Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:51 pm

sio2interactive wrote:Of course "yes" a skybox with 5 planes is more optimized... but honestly its not a little skydome at 100 triangles that is going to make a big difference in your app... you'll have to struggle with MANY other things than that to keep a good performance and a good visual for your game... so I wouldn't worry too much about that really Wink

Since also when you are rendering the skybox or skydome, you should render it first and disable the depth test and depth mask... rendering it is alot faster than rendering other objects...
ok, thanks again! will know.


Posts : 24
Join date : 2009-06-11

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