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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO Empty 3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

Post  RockD2 Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:50 am

Hello my name is Arthur Kwadijk

I am a 3D artist from the Netherlands.
I've had the idea of building a mmo for the iPhone for a while now.
Now with this 3D engine I see many options. Also with the IPhones almost continieus connection to the internet I think It should be possible to achieve this.

I hope there is a group out there thinkin this is possible too.
For my portfolio please check out
And if you wish to contact me, feel free to add me on msn : (yes its a weird one Wink)

Hope to see some reactions Smile

Cheers, Arthur


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-04-17

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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO Empty Re: 3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

Post  oioioi Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:30 am

I am not sure but I think cheating could be a problem if you ever come that far. All MMO games got those damn cheater, but on a computer you have a chance to protect your game from it. I'm not sure if you could make a cheat for a MMO iphone game, but I'm pretty sure that if they do you will have a very hard time protecting your game from those cheats.

I assume you want to make a 3d mmo game.

If you want to make a mmorpg I think you will have to limit the amount of users that can be in the same "zone" at the same time to be very low if you want the game to run smooth. If you have to download data from many other users many times a second it will probably kill the game

Just some of my thought from the time I wanted to make a mmorpg


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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO Empty Re: 3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

Post  RockD2 Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:00 am

A yes thats true, but if it is possible to store all information on a server instead of saved on the clients iphone. It would be make it allot harder for people to cheat.

And about the amount of players in a zone, yup could be a bottleneck but then again you dont know until you have tried it Wink

Looking forward to do some testing with somebody who has the coding knowledge.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-04-17

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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO Empty Re: 3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

Post  Charles Whitaker Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:56 pm

There's an idea, however I think a flash MMORPG would be better. Something kind of like Paper Mario: The Thosand Years Door, you know, 3D background but simple textures. That might really compliment the iPhone and iTouch very well. There could also be a battle system like the boss battles in Paper Mario: The Thosand Years Door. It could also be like a 2D slider game like The Losts Winds on the Wii. While that doesn't sound very attractive it actually works really well (Lost Winds was really fun to play). Dang it now there are ideas rushing through my head.

As for the storage I agree with RockD2, it might be better if they were put on a server instead of the iphone itself.

Now all that being said, such a project would take quick a lot of work for the people involved.

Charles Whitaker

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Age : 32
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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO Empty Re: 3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

Post  sio2interactive Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:07 pm

Heuuuuuu flash is not supported on the iPhone...

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3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO Empty Re: 3D Artist - LFG 2 build MMO

Post  Charles Whitaker Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:30 pm

I know it doesn't support flash player. I was talking more along the lines of 2D focused graphics (most of the flash games that I have seen are 2D). Must be using the wrong techno lingo sorry. lol!

Charles Whitaker

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Age : 32
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