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Post  phonio Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:06 am

Hi all

This is my first post just to say hello and thank you so much for such a great piece of work. I've been studying the sio2 code and tutorials for the last 2 weeks and I am pretty impressed about the whole thing. Obviously you got the knowledge, God bless you for sharing it dude Wink

I have a good C foundation but I'm new to game programming, blender and opengl so still having a lot of questions in my mind... fortunately it's getting better day by day. Got an iMac two months ago. Pretty happy with the switch, by the way. Like Xcode and the whole developing platform. Still didn't get an iPhone but probably I'm going for the new 3GS.

I've just read about your asking for helping to your Uni's Dream Modeling project, so I made a pledge in order to help you.

I wish you the best with the Uni's project. The game looks so nice. Hope you can take your project to success, you totally deserve it.

Best regards and thank you so much for your work with the great Sio2 engine... please don't give up cyclops

J o r g e


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-06-21
Location : Spain

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