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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  SuperDave Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:13 pm

I recently downloaded the SIO2 SDK and I've been running into some problems with trying out the tutorials. I've been getting the same linking errors in sio2.o. Here's an example of some of the errors in the build:

Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) BuildErrors

The total count of linking errors comes out to 78. I'm running the latest version of XCode, and the executable is running from the build directory. Hopefully this is a fundamental problem so I can get back to learning.


Last edited by SuperDave on Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Re: Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  yarri Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:22 pm

Did you include the right OpenAL.framework?

Can you post the Build results (Xcode "Build" menu, "Build Results" option) for the ld command?



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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Re: Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  sio2interactive Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:30 pm

Really look to me that you are missing the OpenAL framework linked... strange cuz its by default installed with the iPhone SDK... maybe double check your installation... or google for a fix...


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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Build Results:

Post  SuperDave Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:51 pm

Here's the frameworks I'm building under:

Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Frameworks

I double checked that they are in fact from the iPhone SDK under:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/<iPhone SDK I'm building on>/System/Library/Frameworks/

Here's the top of the build results:

cd /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.2.1.sdk -L/Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/Debug-iphonesimulator -L/Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/.. -L/Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/../src/sio2 -F/Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/Debug-iphonesimulator -filelist /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -lsio2_dev -lsio2_sim -framework Foundation -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework UIKit -framework OpenAL -shared-libgcc -lstdc++-static -o /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ld warning: in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_dev.a, file is not of required architecture
ld warning: in /Library/Frameworks//OpenAL.framework/OpenAL, file is not of required architecture
ld warning: guard variable for btSoftBody::AJoint::IControl::Default()::defhas different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: guard variable for btSoftBody::Body::xform() const::identityhas different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: guard variable for btSoftBody::Body::invWorldInertia() const::iwihas different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2Normalize has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2DotProductToDeg has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2StringCmp has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2StringTok has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2StringToUpper has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2StringCpy has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: btAlignedObjectArray<btSparseSdf<3>::Cell*>::clear() has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/
ld warning: _sio2Distance has different visibility (default) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/src/sio2/libsio2_sim.a(sio2.o) and (hidden) in /Users/<username>/Documents/Code/SIO2_SDK_v1/tutorial01/build/

Is there only a specific iPhone SDK that SIO2 currently works on or is it universal?


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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Re: Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  sio2interactive Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:26 pm

Yeah but dude really... that line didn't pick your attention:


Set your project to the proper SDK... SIO2 or OpenAL have nothing to do with the error that you are seeing except telling you "dude, you are not even compiling for an iPhone..." Wink

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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Re: Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  SuperDave Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:41 pm

Thanks, sorry for asking something dumb right off the bat. Now I just need to figure out why it's setting the environment to both OSX and the iPhone.


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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Re: Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  sio2interactive Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:47 pm

Project -> Edit Project Settings

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Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED) Empty Re: Tutorials having linking issues (SOLVED)

Post  SuperDave Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:51 am

I went through the necessary steps to get the application to build on the device and everything is working correctly.

I believe my biggest problem was that I was trying to launch the tutorials in the simulator. There are extra conditions to meet when doing this, specifically with OpenAL as many of you noted above. There have also been reports that once you do get things built in the simulator, that OpenAL won't work properly during runtime.

Now that I have taken the baby steps and learned things the hard way, I'm looking towards doing most of my testing on my device.


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