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Difficulty Renaming Project and files

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Difficulty Renaming Project and files Empty Difficulty Renaming Project and files

Post  Nullbor Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:08 am

SIO2 is great! exactly what I was looking for. I'm beginning development on a few simple projects, but I want to know the cleanest way to rename the template files:

I'm trying to rename copies of the "template" project and directories and keep the project intact. I know renaming can be troublesome in Xcode, and I've tried several walkthroughs on renaming projects, but with no successful builds. Is this a due to the file structure of SIO2?

It would be extremely helpful if someone could layout a step-by-step procedure for renaming projects or creating new ones. This would help myself, and anyone else beginning development on new projects/games.

(Also, if this is somehow obscenely obvious, please explain what I've overlooked)

Thank you.


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Join date : 2009-07-11

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Difficulty Renaming Project and files Empty Re: Difficulty Renaming Project and files

Post  sio2interactive Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:09 pm

1. Create a copy of template
2. Rename the directory for ex: "MyGame"
3. Rename the .xcodeproj for "MyGame"
4. Double click on it
5. Project -> Edit Active Target -> General -> Name: "MyGame"
6. Project -> Edit Active Target -> Build -> Configuration -> All Configurations
7. Project -> Edit Active Target -> Build -> Product Name: "MyGame"

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Difficulty Renaming Project and files Empty Re: Difficulty Renaming Project and files

Post  Nullbor Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:09 pm

Solved! Thanks for your help.

Clarification for later readers: Product name is listed under Packaging


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Join date : 2009-07-11

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Difficulty Renaming Project and files Empty Re: Difficulty Renaming Project and files

Post  Muller Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:41 am

What's amazing is that renaming a project didn't work for me till I renamed the resource file as well.


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Join date : 2009-05-26

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Difficulty Renaming Project and files Empty Re: Difficulty Renaming Project and files

Post  sio2interactive Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:44 am

weird... what I show above should do the trick...

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Age : 45
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