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Developing in windows?

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Developing in windows? Empty Developing in windows?

Post  giulianimartini Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:27 pm

Hello everybody,

I'm here to ask if you can program with the SDK in the windows or only on Mac?
I am very interested by SiO2 and would like to start a project that does have some time, but I am looking for some SDK that give me support for other mobile devices too.

Any idea if SiO2 is not what I hope?

Best regards!


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Developing in windows? Empty Sorry for my ignorant question!!!

Post  giulianimartini Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:56 pm

I knew that was to develop for iphone need Mac OS X, but I wonder about using SiO2 without the SDK for iphone.

I download the SDK now and start to develop as quickly as possible Wink

Best Regards.


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Developing in windows? Empty Re: Developing in windows?

Post  sio2interactive Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:25 am


I've did some research on that and make it possible... however the final compilation should still be done on Mac with a few little changes (basically just link back the file to an XCode SIO2 template).

The respond to my post showing my discoveries was not as welcome as I thought so Im not really sure if I should continue forward...

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Developing in windows? Empty Re: Developing in windows?

Post  giulianimartini Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:33 am


Thank you for your help.

I will install my Mac OS X to program, so I am sure that doing the "thing" right.

If I may, I have two questions:

- You use the free version of SiO2?
- It is sufficient to fully develop? Understand this "sufficient" as can develop complete projects. You know if there is much difference between the full and free SiO2 version?

Again, thank you for your help.



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Developing in windows? Empty Re: Developing in windows?

Post  sio2interactive Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:23 am

Dude there's only 1 version of SIO2 Wink

The other thing is a certificate that you plug on the free version to make it indie, and help me continuing coding SIO2 while paying the bills Wink


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Developing in windows? Empty Re: Developing in windows?

Post  giulianimartini Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:15 pm

sio2interactive wrote:Dude there's only 1 version of SIO2 Wink

The other thing is a certificate that you plug on the free version to make it indie, and help me continuing coding SIO2 while paying the bills Wink


Excuse me,

had understood that it would have a full version and a free version to develop.
But really looked about and saw that SiO2 is even a certificate.

I am very interested in SiO2 ...
So far, in my studies, is beyond my expectations.

I hope this time my project get off the paper. Very Happy



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Join date : 2009-07-16

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