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any plans for a N900 port?

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any plans for a N900 port? Empty any plans for a N900 port?

Post  wirelessdreamer Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:38 pm

Do you have any plans to port this engine to run on the Nokia N900?


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any plans for a N900 port? Empty Re: any plans for a N900 port?

Post  sio2interactive Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:56 pm

nope... should I? Wink

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any plans for a N900 port? Empty of course =)

Post  wirelessdreamer Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:29 am

I don't think that many changes would need to be made to support the n900. here's specs: It has the same processor and graphics processor as the iphone 3gs, supports opengles 2.0, and supports native development in c/c++. Once the n900 is released I'd gladly help with testing, my c/c++ isn't that great, but i'll gladly do what I can if your up for trying.


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any plans for a N900 port? Empty Re: any plans for a N900 port?

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