Keyframe Animation
3 posters
Keyframe Animation
I think I may be a bit confused...
I saw that skeletal animation was a planned feature, but keyframe looked like it was already integrated. Digging through the code, I didn't see anything that would indicate that. Did I miss something, or is keyframe animation something that is still pending?
BTW, I'm having a blast. The pipeline from Blender -> SIO2 is great!
I saw that skeletal animation was a planned feature, but keyframe looked like it was already integrated. Digging through the code, I didn't see anything that would indicate that. Did I miss something, or is keyframe animation something that is still pending?
BTW, I'm having a blast. The pipeline from Blender -> SIO2 is great!
Shepherd- Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-10-15
Re: Keyframe Animation
No you are right, I remove the keyframe animation code cuz I was not really satisfied by the exporter performance, basically I was creating 1 giant optimized VBO and then create the necessary indices for each frame. However the exporting time was extremely slow due to the optimization process so I remove it... thank you for reminding me to update the website...
In the meantime you can use any method you want... MD2 or MD5 is a good choice and both have the necessary exporter for blender.
In the meantime you can use any method you want... MD2 or MD5 is a good choice and both have the necessary exporter for blender.
MD5 Animation
I have a quick question about md2 / md5 animation. First, I've seen that md2 animation works with sio2 but I haven't seen an example of md5 animation. If I create an md5 animation with blender, will it work the same as in Tutorial 14?
Also, I'm not sure if this is the place for this question but I have been having problems with blender's md2 exporter. Here's what I did.
And this is what the exporter complains about
Either this... Output (0,0) as UV coordinates do not generate GL commands blender
Or this... Model has face without texture map
At any rate, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to get the md5 exporter and see if I have the same results with it.
I have a quick question about md2 / md5 animation. First, I've seen that md2 animation works with sio2 but I haven't seen an example of md5 animation. If I create an md5 animation with blender, will it work the same as in Tutorial 14?
Also, I'm not sure if this is the place for this question but I have been having problems with blender's md2 exporter. Here's what I did.
- I take the default cube and subdivided it a few times
- I converted all quads to triangles
- I recalculated the normals outside
- I pressed 'U' and unwrapped
- Click File -> Export -> MD2...
And this is what the exporter complains about
Either this... Output (0,0) as UV coordinates do not generate GL commands blender
Or this... Model has face without texture map
At any rate, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to get the md5 exporter and see if I have the same results with it.
vcpirkle- Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-02-17
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