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Help getting started - nothing in main()

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Help getting started - nothing in main() Empty Help getting started - nothing in main()

Post  dillydadally Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:09 pm

Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum but hope to be a frequent visitor. I'm a professional programmer with years of experience in a windows environment using C/C++ and other languages, but I'm a complete newbie to Cocoa Touch, XCode, Mac Programming, etc. I'm excited to get started but I have to admit I'm a little confused by Tutorial 1.

I opened the main function and there is practically nothing in it. What causes the cube to come up? Where can I find the code for that and what causes it to be executed? I put a breakpoint in the beginning of main and the loading screen gets up before Main is even executed. Also, this being an iphone app, where do the values for the args in Main come from? I've been diving through tons of general tutorials to xcode and cocoa touch and I did notice that there is a function in the delegate file that gets executed when the program loads. Is that where all the action is?

Thanks everyone for any pointers that will help me start going through the code. I guess my question boils down to where can I find the code in the tutorial 1 that makes everything happen, and what causes that code to be executed?


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-06-12

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Help getting started - nothing in main() Empty Re: Help getting started - nothing in main()

Post  uprise78 Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:21 pm

I would HIGHLY recommend you start with Apple's docs and sample code on Once you understand that stuff and the structure of iPhone apps then come back to SIO2. Jumping right into making a game on a brand new platform probably isn't the most efficient way to get up and running.


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Join date : 2008-10-31

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Help getting started - nothing in main() Empty Re: Help getting started - nothing in main()

Post  oioioi Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:46 pm

All the rendering stuff is done in the file and sio2Init( &tmp_argc, tmp_argv ); is called in You should check out those files first to see if you understand how it works


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Norway

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