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Make a global variable private

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Make a global variable private Empty Make a global variable private

Post  Smittens Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:12 am


I'm modifying one of the tutorials, and trying to use two similar (duplicated the files, but they're different) copies of Although I'd like to keep the variables declared at the top named the same, this is causing a linking error.

Basically I'm looking for a way to make them private, but just doing

"private bool startGame" causes an error.

I know this isn't specifically an sio2 problem but any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Join date : 2009-02-11

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Make a global variable private Empty Re: Make a global variable private

Post  uprise78 Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:17 am

There is no such thing as private in C. You need to use C++ to get private vars. You can use the static keyword inside a block to make the variable only available in that block but from the sounds of it you just need to rename one of the vars.


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Make a global variable private Empty Re: Make a global variable private

Post  meteors Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:01 pm

You can use all of the C++ techniques for compartmentalization, including namespaces, and 'extern'.


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Make a global variable private Empty Re: Make a global variable private

Post  oioioi Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:10 pm

I don't know exactly what you want but if you want a variable to only be accessed from one file you can put it in the .c file like this:
#include "../src/sio2/sio2.h"
int something;
bool smoethingmore;
these variables will be scoped to that file, I think... You could also make a class. However I might misunderstood you.


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