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Blender exporter doesn't export physical constraints?

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Blender exporter doesn't export physical constraints? Empty Blender exporter doesn't export physical constraints?

Post  TaLaR Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:13 am

Tried to export several rag-doll scenes with same result - lost constraints every time... Is it somehow possible to export these? Or the only variant is creating constraints in code?
PS. I also found no mention of constraints in exporter format description...


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Join date : 2009-09-25

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Blender exporter doesn't export physical constraints? Empty Re: Blender exporter doesn't export physical constraints?

Post  sio2interactive Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:51 pm

It is not possible to export theses at the moment... however should be pretty simple to add it. If you are intrested simply code it and send me a template projectin order to test and debug this feature. If its stable enough I will add it to the core.

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