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Suggestion for LOD

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Suggestion for LOD Empty Suggestion for LOD

Post  sio2interactive Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:58 pm

In the next release of SIO2 (1.3.2) I introduce a new way to deal with the vertices SIO2datablock (similar as in Blender) which enable easy integration of keyframe animation, parent / child relationship and sharing geometry (pseudo-instancing) and make LOD really easy to integrate (in code). However I can't find an easy way to "visually" link LOD in Blender to make it easy for people... and I need suggestions... at the moment the only thing that I found that "might" be suitable is DupliGroup however this is not user friendly (I think).

So Im asking you guys to tell me how would you like to link LOD to a Mesh within Blender?

Tks in advance,


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Suggestion for LOD Empty Re: Suggestion for LOD

Post  uprise78 Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:27 pm

DupliGroup probably isn't the best way to do it but it is a bit limiting due to using Blender's built in arrangement. I say go for DupliGroup unless someone has a better idea.


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Join date : 2008-10-31

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