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Two tips to sio2 guy

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Two tips to sio2 guy Empty Two tips to sio2 guy

Post  oioioi Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:10 pm


I got two tips for you. I know this is a free forum but if it's possible I think you should make a new section where you can post your games(screenshots, videos etc) and get feedback from other people on this forum. For game play you may want to post it on a forum like but it's also good too get feedback from programmers.

Second I think you should make a great free game which shows as many as possible of sio2's features, just to show people how great it is. If this goes high up on the top free games in appstore many people will see it and maybe some programmers will get interested in trying it. This is just a suggestion, I know you don't got much time for such thing now but maybe in the future.


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Two tips to sio2 guy Empty Re: Two tips to sio2 guy

Post  sio2interactive Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:58 am

Tks for the tip, well as you can see I already move the game section into another thread and will soon start the development of a game featuring SIO2.

I will also probably need some resources and help so I do hope that the community will be able to support it...

Tks again for the suggestions,


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Join date : 2008-08-26
Age : 45
Location : Shanghai

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