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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  basco Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:38 am

I'm testing the code for Tutorial06 with my own ground plane created in blender using your tutorial video.
What more do I need to do to not fall through the ground plane except choose "actor" for the plane object?

On thing I noteice when I examine the plane object-file that you exporter creates and compares it with the plane object-file which comes with Tutorial06, I notice that the vert-values range from -50 to 50, while in my file, the range from -1 to 1. My file also contains a scl-value.
Can this have anything to do with my problem?


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  clv Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:03 pm

I got the same problem. Im using blender 2.48a.
Im downloading 2.47 to test.


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  basco Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:46 pm

I tried 2.74 with no success. Can it be the exporter? I didn't find anywhere to download the old exporter.


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  sio2interactive Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:50 pm

You are absolutely right... There's a bug, It was coming from the exporter... I fix it please checkout the latest development source on SVN for an update...


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  basco Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:17 am

I downloaded the latest from the svn, still no luck.
What was the error exacly?


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  sio2interactive Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:27 pm

Maybe try to reset the plane transformation?

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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  basco Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:38 pm

Did reset of the transformation with alt-s, and then I redid the transformation with "s". Still no luck.
What exacly was the error?


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  sio2interactive Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:17 am

Heuuuuu dude its CTRL+A...

But anyway... the problem was coming that just an ACTOR was not taking the bound value 4 (which is triangle mesh)

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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  clv Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:04 am

I still get the problem too.

I appley the transformations (Ctrl+A).

Both camera and Cube is falling through the floor.


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  basco Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:59 pm

Ah, got it. cntrl-A, then choose "visual transform to object..."


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  sio2interactive Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:15 pm

clv: For the camera you have to code it yourself that you want a physic camera... check the code in tutorial06...

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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  clv Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:45 pm

Yes, i get the tutorial06 as base code.

I get it to work.

Its all about CENTER.

Its center and apply transformations Ctrl+A.



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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  sio2interactive Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:51 pm

allright... glad that you got it up and running Wink

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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

Post  blendernewb Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:17 pm

I got stuck on this as well. And rereading this thread didn't exactly help. I was trying to just delete the current plane in tutorial 06 and go from there.

For those that care, these are the steps that worked for me in 2.48a:

1. Delete first plane
2. Delete any .sio2 file or unzipped directory in data for tutorial 06
3. Add new mesh->plane and scale as appropriate
4. Rename new plane if it doesn't come up named Plane
5. Select new plane in object mode
6. Make the new plane an actor under Logic mode
7. Go into Edit mode and Ctrl+T to convert to triangle
8. Ctrl+A, 1 (Object->Apply Scale/Rotation)
9. Ctrl+A, 2 (Object->Apply Transform)
10. Select everything in object mode
11. Export everything using export script into data

I didn't have to do the centering stuff the other people mentioned but it probably doesn't hurt. Can anyone briefly explain what steps 8 and 9 do? Are they sio2 requirements or something bullet requires?

ps - it is much easier to watch the vids in high quality (&fmt=18 on the end of the URL), they are really helpful, thanks for the time you've put into them and the engine in general.


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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty no luck.. well actually.. nevermind.

Post  sNovak Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:47 pm

Wow, this one is putting me through the ringer. Just to make sure that all of my code is right. I simply took tutorial 06, deleted the floor created a cube in its place. (Later) After some more playing I got it to work correctly. It seems that one needs to do both Ctrl+a and (for safe measure) both Visual Transform to Objects Loc/Scale/Rot AND Scale and Rot to ObData. This worked for me. Also be sure to change the name of your object so you're not actually instancing a cube.

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Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor" Empty Re: Falling through the ground plane despite using "actor"

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