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Dirt road, stencil mask support in SIO2?

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Dirt road, stencil mask support in SIO2? Empty Dirt road, stencil mask support in SIO2?

Post  yarri Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:36 pm

Hi, I'm looking into the best way to create a simple dirt road on a textured mesh and thinking of using stencil masks as described here:

Any thoughts on how to accomplish something like this with SIO2?



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Dirt road, stencil mask support in SIO2? Empty Re: Dirt road, stencil mask support in SIO2?

Post  oioioi Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:52 pm

You can do like that and bake the result to a new texture. After you have done what the video show go in to the scene(F10) tab in buttons window, find the bake tab, select full render and press bake. But you have to make a new UV texture for the result, I can't remember exactly how to do it but this video show how you can do it it's more advance thought, but if you look at the end when he bakes using full render you should find out how to make your dirt road


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