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New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order

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New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order Empty New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order

Post  bugman_2000 Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:43 pm

Hi Everybody,

I wanted to let you all know that I am just wrapping up a new book on using SIO2 and Blender to create 3D apps for the iPhone. It seems like this forum ought to be the first place I announced this, because I've learned a great deal here. Thanks to everybody who's made helpful posts in here, and thanks also to all the people who have contributed artwork and game images!

I should say right now that this book isn't really for the gurus in here. My goal was to help to broaden the popularity of SIO2 and of Blender for iPhone game development, and so I tried to make a book that would be as accessible as possible to relative beginners without much graphics/game programming background. If you're already an old hand at the official tutorials, you won't find a lot in this book that will really challenge you. On the other hand, if you're struggling to get your head around SIO2 development, I hope that this book is just what you're looking for!

The book is available for pre-order here at Amazon:

Thanks again to everybody who helped in any way, whether they know it or not, and especially thanks to this forum's own beloved sio2interactive himself for doing the technical editing for the book. There would have been many more dumb mistakes without his help!



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Join date : 2009-04-30

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New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order Empty Re: New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order

Post  Francescu Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:03 pm


It is great to see a book about those 2 amazing pieces of technology that are Blender and SIO2!

Looking forward to it.


Last edited by Francescu on Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order Empty Re: New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order

Post  Krypt Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:09 am

Hi Tony, congrats on getting the book together.

Funnily enough, it was a search on Amazon about a month ago that actually led me to SIO2, as I found a link to your book (that didnt actually open), and got me wondering what this SIO2 was that it mentioned in regards to game development. That led me here and I haven't looked back! So thanks for that, the book looks really good and I'm sure will lead to this community growing...


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Join date : 2009-09-21

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New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order Empty Re: New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order

Post  sio2interactive Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:11 am

Hummmmm Tony write the book, and I was the technical editor for the book.

Tony didn't write SIO2 Wink

I did Wink

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New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order Empty Re: New book on Blender/SIO2 available for pre-order

Post  bugman_2000 Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:43 am

Yes, absolutely. To be totally clear, the book I wrote is about SIO2 and the mistakes (I'm sure there are some still) are mine alone. sio2interactive did tech editing on drafts of the chapters, which was a huge help. And of course, he created SIO2 which is the whole reason we're all in here. Very Happy

Also, as I said, the book is intended as an introduction, and does not replace the official tutorials or the (awesome) Meditation Garden which were also created by sio2interactive. Things such as networking, sound, advanced physics, and a ton of other features are not covered in the book. In the book itself I recommend the Meditation Garden as a great next step, so if you're already at that level, you're probably beyond what is covered in the book. If you're not ready for MG yet, then I think you will be when you finish my book.

I do hope to see a lot of new people taking an interest in 3D programming for iPhone with SIO2 and Blender. I can tell you firsthand that it's a lot of fun!


Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-04-30

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